Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Update 121204

There's only two more days left of my new routine for the first week. I feel I underestimated the weight I chose, hence recovery being hard. I have noticed my Quads improving. It was a long process, but I believe the Squats were a sure bet, though they took much longer than I expected to develop my legs. I attribute the newly added Trap-Bar Deadlifts for the recent growth.

I have also found my Triceps developing further. They are fuller and gaining mass. My chest is also on its way to greatness. So everything is going according to plan. The high volume Bench Press work has really put the drive me to want to pull some weight in a Deadlift.

I recently changed from traditional Shrugs to Power Shrugs. Each rep is performed starting on the bars. You can explosively pull upwards like a High Pull. My Traps have noticeably became more dense as a result. My back feels very good. Last night while leaning against a wall with my upper back with a rather large arc of my lower back, and I was sweeping my spine erectors side-to-side. It was such a well-formed mind-muscle connection. It was like moving my fingers it felt so natural, and inside my back as if a giant feather was tickling me, but the feather was wet and very soft.

Muscles I'm not currently focused on are Biceps, Abs, Hamstrings, Lats, Mid-Back, Lower Back, Spine Erectors, or Forearms. None of those are a weak point for me. I'll come back to them in future routines. Having a balanced body is dire for health and lifting. A chest is nothing without a back. Biceps don't mean as much without Triceps. The shoulders need all of the heads worked in order to protect your shoulder girdle and rotator cuff. Low Back and Abs are necessary for a strong core. Hammies without Quads isn't going to net me a huge Squat. I heard recently that an imbalanced muscle system leads to an imbalanced skeletal system. That sounds plausible, and scary.

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