Saturday, November 30, 2013

Auxiliary Vortex: Recovery, Mobility, and Becoming Cut

I often find the times in which I design a new program, or come up with a new idea is when I"m injured. The injury will tell me how much volume and/or weight can injure said body part. The most recent injury to have plagued me is a minor roto cuff injury in my right shoulder. I think it's from cleaning and pressing 150lb over head. I don't train the clean at all, and that alone could have easily upset the roto cuff.

I took this week off from weight training, but have been hard at work in yoga, push-ups, and crunches. I can do a decent number of push-ups (172) without rest, and high total amount as well, but I haven't followed a routine for years in push-ups, and so I'm going to resume my previous push-up program, but have revised it to how I would prefer to do it. For example, I initially added push-up variations somewhat down the line from the start of the program, but I would probably do the variations from the start. I' resuming the program with Week 7. I completed the first three push-up workouts totaling at 832 push-ups for that week. This coming week will be 907 total.

In addition to the inclusion of the push-up program, I've gone back to my old pull-up program. I resumed week 5.5, which had 50 pull-ups total in 11 sets. My body had fallen apart after getting to about 125 pull-ups total and 750 push-ups total, so I'm starting at the half way point, and in three months expect to be in a very good place. I'm feeling the soreness from this past week's routines, and I'm a little worried about how the weight lifting will affect the pull-ups and push-ups. I'm looking at my weight lifting routine, and I'm trying to minimize it as much as I can, but the six lifts I want to do 5/3/1 with just seems to be too much work  My body will definitely fall apart after X number of months on this schedule (I'm aiming for three months), but hopefully I'll have reaped said forthcoming gains no matter how long I stay on it. I'll cut volume and lifts out entirely if I'm too beaten up. I think taking the joker sets (PR sets or +90% 1RM) out will keep me more fresh.

Furthermore into becoming more cut, I've been performing an ab circuit consisting of 69 total sit-ups. The first 45 are for the upper abs and the last 24 are for the lower abs. Yoga and foam rolling are recovery tools to keep your body mobile and functioning. Ultimately when devising this routine, I was looking for a way to continue strength training with heavy weight via 5/3/1 whilst having enough volume to act as a calorie burner, and a means to define the muscle. Programming push-ups and pull-ups in high volume serve that role. The crunches are something I may take into high volume, but are currently for a type of mere exercise to keep the abs strong and define them a little. Crunches have been known to strain your back and neck in high volume as well so the lower reps are good in that sense.

I am missing something for legs, and have been researching some leg routines, and hit upon a nice one today with decent volume, and after performing it, my legs felt very full. I'll do it a few more times, and continue looking around for others to compare and contrast more before I definitely structure something.

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