Saturday, January 4, 2014

Why People Don't Exercise and The Solution

I've thought long and hard about this problem. It greatly bothers me as I think all should benefit from some level of fitness. If I were to ask how to set up a board game of Monopoly, the answer could be followed in these steps:

1/Unfold the board so that it's face up.
2/Deal out the money and assemble the bank.
3/Organize the land.
4/Place the Community Chest and Chance cards.
5/Choose player game pieces.
6/Roll to see who goes first.

For someone who doesn't know how to exercise, the steps they take, if they ever enter a gym, are usually to gravitate towards what looks easy, lift light weight with bad form, and leave without having hit their body significantly, and soreness and mild injuries arise, and it's the end of it.

Here are the steps I recommend:
1/Enter gym written down routine that follows a program suited to your goals.
2/Do exactly what's written down at whichever pace you desire.
3/After workout, log results to ensure consistency is met and for future use of programming routines, and to educate yourself on which weights are too heavy or too light on each exercise.
4/Eat clean and an ample amount, get rest, use recovery tools.
5/Progress your weight training by 5lb/10lb on each lift (daily{beginner}, weekly{intermediate}, or monthly{advanced}).
6/Substitute lifts periodically for variations.
7/Take a very distant perspective to fitness. A cup of coffee can be made in 5 minutes. A strong skillfull athletic body is built slower. Bone density increases over time. Muscle enlarges and provides curvature. Mobility and flexibility are attained.

A great part of fitness is the discipline required to maintain the greatest efficiency. You learn about the human body, and how the joints articulate, and how to use leverage to your advantage. The physical progress keeps you mentally focused and reinforces the discipline of living a clean life to be able to enjoy the most out of life.

The body conserves energy throughout the day, and it needs to be expelled somehow, and the greatest use of that energy is to use it to rebuild your body stronger and healthier. Once that energy is expelled, stress levels are lowered and life feels more relaxing. While you sleep, your body repairs. If there's nothing to repair, then you can consider that day lost. And those days add up, and thus utilizing your time efficiently results to an effect of time traveling as you can attain so much in such little time if all your energy and effort are directed correctly.

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