Saturday, February 9, 2013

DB Powered v2 Progress

My current style of lifting is only training two days a week, and having the rest to recover and recharge the needed power. I've noticed my body feeling more sore compared to training five to six days a week. The reason for this is debatable. Some say that soreness is not a good indicator of muscle growth or strength growth, but in all fairness it would seem that it can be. Muscles are typically known to recover within 48 hours, and some muscles within 72 hours. It's possible to train with muscles that are not fully recovered. I have heard of the style of lifting where you purposely do this to double the damage to the muscle and therefore to double the recovery and thus the muscle and strength growth. Another aspect I might be experiencing is from changing my method of training from a high frequency to a low frequency after some time. I think most people lean on that practice far too much. I think it's important to dutifully run the course of a routine to give it its merits, and to have a deeper pool of data for analysis.

I feel with lower frequency that there is greater body awareness, which leads to better mind-muscle connection, which I think is a key to muscular development. It's bizarre, but it would seem that just as under-training is possible, over-training is possible, regardless of how many deny it. I was recently looking at some people's routines, and I saw someone doing 10 sets of 10 on many exercises. Their poundage was not impressive, which in turn tells me their physique is not as well. Something I've been keen on is that for muscle growth, you need to lift heavy, and that if you do lift heavy, your muscles will haven choice but to grow. I thought about this a lot when my Squats were stuck and plateaued at 180lb max. I had been resetting often, and I think something slowed me down in progress is resetting to low, and having too great a range to climb through for every reset, leading me to lift heavy weight less often than I could have and should have perhaps.

I would like to welcome the concept of lifting heavy weights. Something that struck is that many beginners or people that don't lift very heavy mostly have poor technique. It's not feasible to lift heavy weight poor technique. How could they possible lift heavy weight with such poor leverage, range of motion, poor joint articulation, or lack of controlled breathing. There's much talk of avoiding chasing PRs, but it is possible to tailor your routine in a way where it does not harm you, and in fact charges you up, benefiting you. On the flip side, I think lifting too heavy with too high a close percentage to your max will burn you out quickly and will not take advantage of periodization as well as bruising your confidence and therefore mental game, which is huge in lifting.

Lastly, I'd like to recommend purchasing your consistent grocery purchases online opposed to any local store. I discovered the price of oats, flour, sugar, among other baking goods were less than half the price.

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