Push-Ups Chart

Weeks 1 - 4 have five sets. Week 6 introduces nine sets on day 2 and 3 of each week. A column represents one day. There are three days in each week. It's best to rest 1 day between each workout day in the week, and two days rest after day 3 of the week. The totals are in the top right. If you fail two or three days in a week, it's helpful to repeat the week before moving on. Day 1's have a tendency to be the hardest.

Beginning Week 10, or even sooner in the program you can start adding variations. Depending on your preference for variation, you can swap yours in for another. The added styles will help fill out muscle regions. Starting Week 16 or sooner, you can break the numbers into more sets to allow you to hit the number of reps you want on each variation..

WEEK 1, 45/50/57
10 10 11
12 12 15
7  8  9
7  8  9
9  12 13

WEEK 2, 63/71/81
14 14 16
14 16 17
10 12 14
10 12 14
15 17 20

WEEK 3, 80/100/120
14 20 22
18 25 30
14 15 20
14 15 20
20 25 28

WEEK 4, 120/140/160
21 25 29
25 29 33
21 25 29
21 25 29
32 36 40

WEEK 5, 170/185/200
36 19x2 20x2
40 22x2 24x2
30 18x2 20x2
24 22   22
40 45   50

WEEK 6, COLUMN 2, 190/215/245
40 20X2 22X2
50 23X2 30X2
25 20X2 25X2
25 18X2 18X2
50 53   53

WEEK 6, 220/246/274
45 22x2 26x2
55 30x2 33x2
35 24x2 26x2
30 18x2 22x2
55 58   60

WEEK 7, 255/275/300
50 24x2 27x2
65 32x2 34x2
40 28x2 30x2
35 20x2 24x2
65 67   70

WEEK 8, 280/300/326
55 26x2 28x2
70 34x2 35x2
45 32x2 34x2
40 22x2 26x2
70 72   80

WEEK 9, 305/328/350
60 28x2 30x2
75 36x2 37x2
50 34x2 35x2
45 26x2 28x2
75 80   90

* Below, Day 1's are 5 sets, Day 2 and 3's are 9 sets: 4 sets x2 and a final set.

Week 10 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
64 29 31, decline push-ups
80 39 40, push-ups
55 37 38, 1h over 1h on vertical bar push-ups/3-chair push-ups/wide push-ups
47 27 29, decline wide push-ups
84 89 99, push-ups
Total 330 353 375
Week 11 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
68 30 32
85 42 43
60 40 41
49 28 30
93 98 108
Total 355 378 400
Week 12 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
72 31 33
90 45 46
65 43 44
51 29 31
102 107 117
Total 380 403 425
Week 13 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
76 32 34
95 48 49
70 46 47
53 30 32
111 116 126
Total 405 428 450
Week 14 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
80 33 35
100 51 52
75 49 50
55 31 33
120 125 135
Total 430 453 475
Week 15 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
84 34 36
105 54 55
80 52 53
57 32 34
129 134 144
Total 455 478 500

Week 16 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
88 35 37 decline push-ups
Ø 35 37 decline push-ups
110 57 58 push-ups
Ø 57 58 push-ups
15 17 18 triangle
15 17 18 triangle
28 30 31 three-chair
27 46 45 wide push-ups
59 33 35 decline wide push-ups
Ø 33 35 decline wide push-ups
138 143 153 push-ups

Total 480 503 525

Week 17 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
92 36 38 decline push-ups
Ø 36 38 decline push-ups
115 60 61 push-ups
Ø 60 61 push-ups
15 21 22 triangle
15 21 22 triangle
30 34 35 three-chair
30 40 39 wide push-ups
61 34 36 decline wide push-ups
Ø 34 36 decline wide push-ups
147 152 162 push-ups

Total 505 528 550

Week 18 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
96 37 39 decline push-ups
Ø 37 39 decline push-ups
120 63 64 push-ups
Ø 63 64 push-ups
16 23 24 triangle
16 23 24 triangle
32 36 37 three-chair
31 40 39 wide push-ups
63 35 37 decline wide push-ups
Ø 35 37 decline wide push-ups
156 161 171 push-ups

Total 530 553 575

Week 19 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
100 38 40 decline push-ups
0 38 40 decline push-ups
125 66 67 push-ups
0 66 67 push-ups
17 25 26 triangle
17 25 26 triangle
34 38 39 three-chair
16 18 20 three-chair
32 40 41 wide push-ups
32 29 37 close-grip push-ups
65 36 38 decline wide push-ups
0 36 38 decline close-grip push-ups
117 120 123 push-ups

Total 555 575 602

Week 20 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
105 42 43 decline push-ups
0 42 43 decline push-ups
120 60 62 push-ups
0 60 62 push-ups
19 27 28 triangle push-ups
19 27 28 triangle push-ups
36 39 40 three-chair push-ups
24 27 30 three-chair push-ups
25 26 29 one-leg push-ups
24 26 28 one-leg push-ups
16 18 19 rotational push-ups
37 45 47 wide push-ups
37 45 46 decline wide push-ups
118 119 120 push-ups

Total 580 603 625

Week 21 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
110 44 45 decline push-ups
0 44 45 decline push-ups
125 64 66 push-ups
0 64 66 push-ups
20 29 30 triangle push-ups
20 29 30 triangle push-ups
35 36 37 three-chair push-ups
20 27 31 three-chair push-ups
27 28 30 one-leg push-ups
27 28 30 one-leg push-ups
20 21 22 rotational push-ups
40 46 48 wide push-ups
40 46 47 decline wide push-ups
121 122 123 push-ups

Total 605 628 650

Week 22 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
58 52 53 decline push-ups
36 42 43 decline one-leg push-ups
105 100 105 push-ups
20 27 28 triangle push-ups
20 27 28 triangle push-ups
30 32 33 three-chair push-ups
36 42 43 three-chair one-leg push-ups
48 52 53 one-leg push-ups
47 42 43 wide push-ups
26 32 33 wide one-leg push-ups
47 42 43 decline wide push-ups
26 32 33 decline wide one-leg push-ups
105 100 105 push-ups
26 31 32 incline one-leg push-ups
Total 630 653 675

Week 23 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
60 53 53 decline push-ups
40 46 48 decline one-leg push-ups
103 98 104 push-ups
21 28 29 triangle push-ups
21 28 29 triangle push-ups
31 33 33 three-chair push-ups
40 46 48 three-chair one-leg push-ups
52 56 58 one-leg push-ups
48 43 43 wide push-ups
30 36 38 wide one-leg push-ups
48 43 43 decline wide push-ups
30 36 38 decline wide one-leg push-ups
103 98 104 push-ups
28 32 32 incline one-leg push-ups

Total 655 676 700

Week 24 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
65 55 57 decline push-ups
44 50 52 decline one-leg push-ups
90 85 91 push-ups
25 29 30 triangle push-ups
25 29 30 triangle push-ups
35 37 38 three-chair push-ups
44 50 52 three-chair one-leg push-ups
58 62 64 one-leg push-ups
50 45 48 wide push-ups
36 42 44 wide one-leg push-ups
50 45 48 decline wide push-ups
36 42 44 decline wide one-leg push-ups
90 98 91 push-ups
32 34 36 incline one-leg push-ups

Total 680 703 725

Week 25 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
66 56 58 decline push-ups
47 53 54 decline one-leg push-ups
91 86 92 push-ups
26 30 31 triangle push-ups
26 30 31 triangle push-ups
36 38 39 three-chair push-ups
47 52 54 three-chair one-leg push-ups
61 64 66 one-leg push-ups
51 46 50 wide push-ups
39 46 48 wide one-leg push-ups
51 46 49 decline wide push-ups
39 46 48 decline wide one-leg push-ups
91 99 92 push-ups
34 36 38 incline one-leg push-ups

Total 705 728 750

Week 26 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
100 110 110 one-leg push-ups
61 61 62 decline push-ups
50 50 52 decline one-leg push-ups
39 39 40 decline wide push-ups
40 40 42 decline wide one-leg push-ups
50 50 52 wide one-leg push-ups
40 40 42           one-leg push-ups
30 32 34            one-leg push-ups
20 22 24 wide one-leg push-ups
50 52 54 one-leg push-ups
25 25 26 push-ups
51 51 52 wide push-ups
30 31 32 one-leg push-ups
60 62 63 push-ups
60 62 63 one-leg push-ups
24 26 27 push-ups

Total 730 753 775

Week 27 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 100 120 120 one-leg push-ups
61 62 63 decline push-ups
50 50 53 decline one-leg push-ups
39    40 41 decline wide push-ups
41 42 43 decline wide one-leg push-ups
52    52 53 wide one-leg push-ups
43 43 43           one-leg push-ups
33 33 35            one-leg push-ups
24 24 25 wide one-leg push-ups
49    49 55 one-leg push-ups
26 26 27 push-ups
52 52 53 wide push-ups
32    32 33 one-leg push-ups
63 63 64 push-ups
63 63 64 one-leg push-ups
27 27 28 push-ups

Total 755 778 800

Week 28 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
100 130 130 one-leg push-ups
61 63 64 decline push-ups
50 51 54 decline one-leg push-ups
39    41 42 decline wide push-ups
41 43 44 decline wide one-leg push-ups
52    53 54 wide one-leg push-ups
44 44 46           one-leg push-ups
34 34 36            one-leg push-ups
25 25 26 wide one-leg push-ups
50    50 56 one-leg push-ups
28 27 28 push-ups
54 53 53 wide push-ups
34    33 33 one-leg push-ups
70    64 65 push-ups
70    64 65 one-leg push-ups
28 28 29 push-ups

Total 780 803 825 

Week 29 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
100 140 140 one-leg push-ups
64 65 66 decline push-ups
53 53 56 decline one-leg push-ups
42    43 44 decline wide push-ups
45 45 46 decline wide one-leg push-ups
55   55 56 wide one-leg push-ups
46 45 47           one-leg push-ups
36 35 37            one-leg push-ups
25 26 27 wide one-leg push-ups
50    51 57 one-leg push-ups
28 28 29 push-ups
55 53 53 wide push-ups
35    33 33 one-leg push-ups
71    64 65 push-ups
71    64 65 one-leg push-ups
29 28 29 push-ups

Total 805 828 850 
 /Weeks 30+ are waiting on revision  

Week 30 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
144 49 51 decline push-ups
Ø 49 51 decline push-ups
180 99 100 push-ups
Ø 99 100 push-ups
28 36 36 triangle
28 36 36 triangle
56 60 61 three-chair
43 62 63 wide push-ups
87 47 49 decline wide push-ups
Ø 47 49 decline wide push-ups
264 269 279 push-ups

Total 830 853 875

Week 31 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
148 50 52 decline push-ups
Ø 50 52 decline push-ups
185 102 103 push-ups
Ø 102 103 push-ups
29 37 37 triangle
29 37 37 triangle
58 62 63 three-chair
44 64 65 wide push-ups
89 48 50 decline wide push-ups
Ø 48 50 decline wide push-ups
273 278 288 push-ups

Total 855 878 900

Week 32 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
152 51 53 decline push-ups
Ø 51 53 decline push-ups
190 105 106 push-ups
Ø 105 106 push-ups
30 38 38 triangle
30 38 38 triangle
60 64 65 three-chair
45 66 67 wide push-ups
91 49 51 decline wide push-ups
Ø 49 51 decline wide push-ups
282 287 297 push-ups

Total 880 903 925

Week 33 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
156 52 54 decline push-ups
Ø 52 54 decline push-ups
195 108 109 push-ups
Ø 108 109 push-ups
31 39 39 triangle
31 39 39 triangle
62 66 67 three-chair
46 68 69 wide push-ups
93 50 52 decline wide push-ups
Ø 50 52 decline wide push-ups
291 296 306 push-ups

Total 905 928 950

Week 34 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
160 53 55 decline push-ups
Ø 53 55 decline push-ups
200 111 112 push-ups
Ø 111 112 push-ups
32 40 40 triangle
32 40 40 triangle
64 68 69 three-chair
47 70 71 wide push-ups
95 51 53 decline wide push-ups
Ø 51 53 decline wide push-ups
300 305 315 push-ups

Total 930 953 975

Week 35 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
164 54 56 decline push-ups
Ø 54 56 decline push-ups
205 114 115 push-ups
Ø 114 115 push-ups
33 41 41 triangle
33 41 41 triangle
66 70 71 three-chair
48 72 73 wide push-ups
97 52 54 decline wide push-ups
Ø 52 54 decline wide push-ups
309 314 324 push-ups

Total 955 978 1000