I've completed my 13th week on GZCL method. My squat has gone up 20lb, and shows no sign of plateauing. My Deadlift has gone up 15lb. The reason it's lower than the squat is that I played around with sumo for a few weeks, and generally didn't take it as seriously as the squats. My Deadlift PR is practically 200lb over my Squat PR, so I find Deadlifts generally easy for myself. The amount of weight I'm lifting is based off a training PR and not my actual PR. This is to ensure progress and keep momentum, and is obviously easier to recover from.
I am doing accessory lifts on odd days throughout the weeks. I think GZCL works best for my squats. For Deadlifts, I seem to be preserving my strength, but not excelling as much. I am using a lower weight for my training PR b/c I want to avoid any hitching and encourage better technique. I'm more interesting these days in getting reps on weight rather than just doing heavy singles. I found heavy singles ultimately to be extremely punishing on the body and psych (when failing too often), and makes your body more prone to injury.
I find the days in the gym where I am strongest and the lifts take the least effort are the days that the day prior I had good adequate nutrition both macro/total caloric amount-wise. I've been walking 1.5 miles a few days out of the week. I've started doing weighted pull-ups and shrugs again. There's a new row I do with a barbell. It can be seen here.
I think I could be doing more work to better my fitness and body. I think I lack hypertrophy work, more skill work, and machine work. There's always room for improvement.